Responsive Design

When working with responsive designs, it is crucial to explore how to create content that fits in different formats, which could include Mobile, Tablet, and Web page designs. The examples below showcase my ability to create these responsive formats and show that I have a firm grasp on how to prototype active designs with a user’s journey in mind.

Programs Used: Illustrator, Photoshop, XD, Sublime Text

Single Cart Recipes

Project Summary: Design a responsive shopping cart view for a grocery/food delivery service. Responsive formats need to include web, tablet, and mobile designs. Document work into a process book that details the steps taken to complete the project.

Uni Eagle

Project Summary: Work with a group to design a mock application that answers a community problem, as well as, includes a feature that utilizes AR functions. Compile work history into a process book and create a group pitch that can be used to draw in investors to fund the production of the application.

Credits-Uni Eagle

Joshua Roman
UX Designer / Prototype Strategist
Fatima Rosales
UI Designer / User Researcher
Sofiia Svenshnikova
UX Researcher / User Experience Mapping